Monday, August 2, 2010

The Sabbath Day: Division in the Body of Christ

This past week, the Seventh Day Baptists came to Springfield, Missouri for their General Convention. (see: It was a real pleasure to be able to worship with 500 other believers who believe in all Ten Commandments. This is a denomination that has been in existance since the 1600's - yet so few people have even heard of them. They have churches planted all around the world as well as here in the U.S.

When my husband and I first realized that God never changed the Sabbath Day to Sunday - but that it was done by the Romans out of anti-semitism towards the Jews - we started worshipping with a Messianic congregation on the Sabbath Day. At that time, we were excited to think that God was starting a movement through the Messianic Jews - to bring His people back to worshipping on the seventh day Sabbath. In March of this year, we were told about the Seventh Day Baptists and realized this move of the Spirit is something much bigger than just the Messianic Jewish movement! Not only is God at work bringing Jewish believers in the Messiah (Jesus Christ) together to worship on the seventh day Sabbath - but there is also a movement among Gentile believers to return to worshipping on the day that GOD appointed mankind to worship Him on as well.

So, I thought I would just throw out the question, "Why do you think this is?" First of all, we need to review a few things:

1. Jesus (God in the flesh) was born into a Jewish family. He is a Jew.

2. Jesus (God in the flesh) has a title: King of the Jews.

3. Jesus (God in the flesh) has a country: Israel

4. Jesus (God in the flesh) has a country with a capital: Jerusalem

5. Jesus (God in the flesh) is coming back some day very soon to the Mt. of Olives in Israel!

6. Jesus (God in the flesh) is coming back to set up His kingdom on earth where He will reign for a million years.

7. Jesus (God in the flesh) is going to set up His throne in Jerusalem.

8. Jesus (God in the flesh) has citizens in His kingdom: Jewish and Gentile believers in Him as their Messiah/Lord.

9. Jesus (God in the flesh) will have His laws (the Ten Commandments) still in place.

10. Jesus (God in the flesh) is going to have all nations of the world come and worship Him in Jerusalem.

We all know that you cannot have any form of government without laws. Without laws, people would live in chaos and anarchy. We also know that there is to be no division in Christ's body, which is made up of both Jewish believers in Christ and Gentile believers in Christ.

This raises the question about the Sabbath Day. Will the "King of the Jews" say that it is all right for us to worship Him on "whatever day WE choose to worship Him"? OR will "The King" stand by HIS own commandment, "But the 7th day is the Sabbath day to the Lord your God. On it you shall do no work..."?

We can be very sure that the Jews will refuse to worship "The King" on any other day but the Sabbath Day! However, most Christians today refuse to even think about worshipping Him on the Sabbath Day. If one of these groups doesn't change their way of thinking - there is going to be a great division in the coming millenial Kingdom of Christ!

But, praise God! He is at work through His Holy Spirit in these last days to bring unity into His Body and Kingdom regarding the 7th day Sabbath! There WILL BE a uniting of these two groups of believers in Christ (Jews & Gentiles) because Isaiah 66:23 says, "'And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, ALL flesh shall come to worship before Me,' says the Lord." When "The King" gives the call to worship to His people, according to this verse - we will be worshipping corporately and in unity on HIS holy day - the 7th day Sabbath. Why wait until Christ comes again to acknowledge His Lordship over the day He has chosen for us to worship Him? We need to start today!

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