Monday, April 20, 2015

The Sin of Self-Sufficiency in Christians Today

"Hear this now, you who are given to pleasures, who dwell securely, who say in your heart, 'I am, and there is no one else besides me; I will not sit as a widow, nor shall I know the loss of children.'"  (Isaiah 47:8)

One of the first signs of "self-sufficiency" in a person is when they make this statement about themselves:  "I have to take care of myself because I have no one else to take care of me."  If you are one to make this kind of statement, let me tell you that you are living with a spirit of self-sufficiency as well as a spirit of fear.  How do I know that?  I have had a Christian single woman tell me that because I have chosen to be a "homemaker" - staying home to care for my husband and my home instead of being a "career woman", that I really should not be staying at home but I need to be working to save all I can now for the future and for my old age.  Do you know what happened when I heard that?  It opened the door wide for our enemy (Satan) to flood me with the "spirit of FEAR" that was in her!  For the next 2-3 months after hearing that statement, I ended up in the fiercest battle with Satan over the spirit of fear that I have ever had!  As Christian women, we should not be speaking "fear" and "self-sufficiency" into someone's life like this woman did to me.  Instead, we need to be encouraging women (especially single women) that God will take care of them.

The second sign of "self-sufficiency" is in the above verse where it says, "I am, and there is no one else besides me."  Do you realize that by making that statement to yourself and about yourself that you are making yourself equal to God?  God's holy Name for Jehovah is "I AM"!  If that isn't bad enough, all through the book of Isaiah God is continuously reminding us that "there is no god besides Him"!  Yet, in our self-sufficiency and pride, we are doing just that - making ourselves a god!  In fact, wasn't that one of the lies of the enemy, Satan, himself in the garden of Eden?  In Genesis 3:5 the serpent (Satan) said to Eve, " will be like God, knowing good and evil.

An interesting thing about desiring to be a god is that you also need to be "in control" - especially of your life (and maybe even the lives of those around you).  So, when we begin to feel that we are not in control any longer - that's when the spirits of fear and anxiety come in and flood our minds.  When you get right down to the bottom of this thing of "making ourselves gods" - it becomes the sin of idolatry.  Idolatry is the breaking of the 2nd Commandment of God's Ten Commandment moral law.

So, how do you overcome this spirit of self-sufficiency and the spirit of fear?  You MUST go to the Word of God, the Bible!  A few verses before the above verse, in Isaiah 46:3-4, God spoke this to me:  "Listen to Me, Chris!  You have been upheld by Me from birth, and have been carried (by Me) in the womb..."  "Even to your old age, I am He, and even to your gray hairs I will carry you!  I have made you, and I will bear you; Even I will carry you, and deliver you."  And then, in Isaiah 46:11 He said to me, "Indeed, I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass.  I have purposed it; I will also do it!"
What comfort and peace that brought to my heart and soul!

In conclusion, therefore, let me share what God's opinion is of someone who is "self-sufficient":  "Your wisdom and your knowledge have warped you; and you have said in your heart, 'I am, and there is no one else besides me.'"  In other words, a self-sufficient person, in God's eyes, has a warped mind and a warped heart!  If we don't keep ourselves humble and dependent on God, this is what He says will happen:

"Look, all you who kindle a fire, who encircle yourselves with sparks:  (Go ahead) walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks you have kindled - this you shall have from My hand:  you shall lie down in torment."  (Isaiah 50:11)

Make a decision today to not be "self-sufficient", but to be totally dependent on God.  "For in Him we live and move and have our being..." (Acts 17:28)


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Are God's Ten Commandments Good or Not Good?

Today, in many of our evangelical churches, God's Law (including the Ten Commandments) in the Old Testament is being proclaimed as "bad, burdensome, only being a type or shadow, having been done away with (fulfilled), no longer applicable to New Testament Christians, etc. etc."  However, one of the greatest apostles of all time, the Apostle Paul, declared in Romans 7:12 - "Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good."  Obviously, Paul was never taught what many of the ministers of our churches have been taught in their seminaries - that "The Age of Grace" or "The Dispensation of Grace" has made God's Law obsolete!  So, who are we to believe...these ministers, who I believe are false prophets, or God's Word?

Since Romans 7:12 begins with the word, "Therefore", we need to look at the previous verses to see what made Paul come to the conclusion that God's "Law is holy and God's Commandment holy, just and good."   In Verse 7, Paul states that God's Law helped him to know sin:  "...For I would not have known sin except through the Law."  To me, that doesn't sound like such a bad thing, is it?  In Verse 10, Paul states that "And the Commandment, which was to bring LIFE, I found to bring death."  What?  The purpose of the Commandment was to bring LIFE?  Again, what is so bad about that? 

Let's continue on with some verses that follow Romans 7:12.  In Verse 14, Paul declares God's Law to be "spiritual".  In Verse 22, Paul states that he "delights in the Law of God"!  Lastly, in Verse 25, Paul states that he "serves the Law of God".  Please remember that the New Testament had not been written yet, so Paul WAS NOT referring to any "New Testament Law" - but had to be referring to God's Law, (including the Ten Commandments) in the Old Testament.

Contrary to what many of us have been taught in our churches and in our Bible colleges and seminaries, this is what God says about His Law in the Old Testament, according to Paul:

1.  God's Law is Holy.
2.  God's Commandment is Holy.
3.  God's Commandment is Just.
4.  God's Commandment is Good.
5.  God's Law Reveals Sin.
6.  God's Law Gives LIFE.

Oh, I know that Romans 7:10 says, "And the commandment  which was to bring life, I found to bring death."  However, we must look at the next verse - Verse 11"For SIN, taking occasion by the commandment, DECEIVED me, and by IT killed me."  God's Commandments are to give LIFE, not death!  It is SIN that is deceiving everyone to BELIEVE that God's holy, just and good Commandments are in fact, bad!!  This takes us directly back to the Garden of Eden, where Satan cast doubt on the "goodness" of God's Commandment and deceived Eve when he declared to her, "You will not surely die" (Gen. 3:3) IF she disobeyed and broke God's Commandment.  However, God had told her that she would surely die.  Was it God's Commandment that was going to kill her?  Or, was it her disobedience to the Commandment of God (sin) that would kill her?  Of course, it was her sin.

Just like our courts of law today in the U.S. - God's Law either declares us "Guilty" or God's Law can declare us "Not Guilty".  It all depends IF sin has deceived us into breaking God's Law - the Ten Commandments.  I John 3:4 says - "Sin is lawlessness." (NKJV)   The King James Version says, "Sin is the transgression of the Law."  Living without the Law of God (lawlessness) by breaking it or being disobedient to it (transgressing it) is what will sentence us to eternal death at the Judgment Seat of Christ.  

Speaking of the "Judgment Seat of Christ", let us not forget WHO "the Lawgiver" is.  The logical response to that is "the Lawgiver is the One Who will be sitting on the Judgment Seat" - and that is Jesus Christ!  James 4:12 says, "There is one Lawgiver and Judge, Who is able to save and to destroy."  God's Law does not save or destroy us - it only declares us "Guilty" or "Not Guilty", and even that is good! 

When you stand before Jesus Christ, the Lawgiver, on the day of Judgment - will He declare you to be "Guilty" or "Not Guilty" according to His Law - The Ten Commandments?