Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Creation: Six Days or Seven Days?

There is a very subtle thing going on in Christian circles today, that everyone seems to be missing.  I first noticed this a couple years ago when I attended a conference on Creation here in Springfield, MO.  It was put on by the Creation Museum in our area.  All day long I listened to speakers from the museum talk about the SIX DAYS of creation, but no one mentioned the SEVENTH DAY of the creation story.  Since my blog is about "God's People Doing Away with God's Law in the Last Days", the Holy Spirit began to warn me that there is something wrong somewhere in all of this.

Since then, I have listened to Christian pastors speak about the Creation story, and again it is most often about the SIX days God created, and not the SEVEN.  I have even heard them say that after the SIXTH day, God was finished with His creating!  What?  What ever happened to God creating the SEVENTH day?

Christians really need to learn to think with their heads today, instead of their ears.  We know that God "rested on the SEVENTH day". (Gen. 2:2)  Well, if He had not CREATED the SEVENTH day, how could He have rested on a day that He never created?  Hmm.  So, that gets me back to wondering if something bigger is going on here?

In fact, the first part of the same verse listed above says, "And on the SEVENTH day, God ENDED His work which He had done..."  Wait a minute!  I just heard an evangelical minister on the radio last week say "God ended His work after the SIXTH day!"  This evangelical minister just lied, not only to his home congregation, but also to hundreds of his radio listeners!  Genesis 2:1 says, "Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished."  NOTE:  It does not say that God was finished creating the DAYS!!  God had one more day to create, and that was HIS HOLY day, the SEVENTH day, the Sabbath.

Let's take a minute to think about God creating this special SEVENTH day, a day God Himself named the "Sabbath Day".  God had just finished creating the SIXTH day, which included creating mankind - Adam and Eve.  (Just as a side point, let me point out here, that Adam and Eve were not "Jewish".)  So, logically, that means Adam and Eve were present with God when He created His SEVENTH day, Sabbath.  God loved His special creation, whom He created in His own image, so much that He wanted a very special day to be set aside FOREVER so they could come out from among the world, stop working 24/7 (rest from all work), and spend time alone with Him.  What a wonderful gift He gave to Himself and to mankind when He created the SEVENTH day!

The real question, though, lies underneath all of this.  The real question is, "WHY?"  WHY are preachers and ministers not wanting to include the SEVENTH day in the story of Creation?  Well, if I was a detective, I would be drawn to the conclusion that they don't want to think about the SEVENTH day Sabbath - and, they really don't want their listeners to start thinking about it, either.  So they've made the decision to deceive their listeners by just leaving out "a little bit" of the story! 

If ministers got convicted of the truth about the SEVENTH day Sabbath, they would have to give up their churches which meet on Sunday.  Remember, "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."  (I Tim. 6:10)  Because they don't want to lose their jobs, most Sunday ministers will "do away with" the SEVENTH day Sabbath by not acknowledging it or by nullifying it as invalid for today's "New Testament" Christian.

The TRUTH is that God created SEVEN days - not SIX.  Also, there is something extra special about this day compared to the other six days.  This SEVENTH day of Creation is the ONLY day that God "blessed" and "sanctified" (made holy and set apart).  (See Genesis 2:3)  You will never read any where in the Bible where God called the FIRST day "blessed" or "holy".  If you do any research on this subject, you will find that it was a Roman emperor who decided to call the FIRST day of the week, "Sunday", after their sun god.  So, it definitely is not a "holy" day by God's Word, the Bible.

Again, I want to encourage you to keep your eyes and ears open to what is being said in these last days, in an attempt to take away from God's TRUTH revealed in His Word.  Very silently, subtly, and slowly, God's Law is being eliminated - not so much by unbelievers, but by those who claim to be "followers of Christ"!  Just be careful that you don't become like those "without understanding, who have eyes and see not, and who have ears and hear not..."  (Isa. 5:21

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