Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Apostasy and Uncircumcised Hearts

The problem with Christians today is that we all have "heart disease". Our "Want-Tos" are broken! We need to stop asking, "Why we don't go to church?" and start asking, "Why we don't WANT to go to church?" Stop asking, "Why we don't read our Bibles and pray every day?" and start asking, "Why we don't WANT to read our Bibles and pray every day?" Let's stop asking, "Why we don't obey God's commandments?" and start asking, "Why don't we WANT to obey God's commandments?"

One evening I was babysitting my 3 grandchildren. While I was reading stories to the 2 older ones, my almost 3 year old granddaughter kept climbing on the arm of the couch and sliding down it - very close to a lamp on their end table. Fearing the lamp was going to get broken and knowing her parents would not approve of this, I told her to stop. This is what came out of my darling, most-loved little granddaughter's mouth: "I don't WANT to and I don't HAVE to"! I think this is the perfect picture of the "heart disease" in Christianity today.

John 14:21 says, "He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me." Speaking of the last days we're in right now, Ezekiel 11: 19, & 20 says, "Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgments and do them; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God." If we have accepted God's grace shed for us on the cross through Jesus Christ, then we should have new hearts within us; hearts that WANT to do what God says instead of hearts of stone that continually rebel or question why we HAVE to do what He says in His Word.

Most theologians equate the Apostasy with "the falling away" mentioned in 2 Thess. 2:3. It's interesting that this "falling away" is linked with "sin/lawlessness". What are the Christians of today "falling away" from? They are falling away from not only their obedience to God's laws, but also from having hearts that WANT to obey the voice of the Lord their God and spending personal, quality time with Him. My heart's cry as I've been learning to do this blog is that I don't get so consumed with this blog that I forget to spend time with God in HIS Word and not someone else's word about Him! In order for there to be a revival in this land, God's people need to let God put "His knife" to their hearts and circumcise them. Only then will we have hearts to know Him and love Him no matter what He commands of us.